Moscow to Novosibirsk Train Route

There are two train routes connecting Moscow to Novosibirsk. The length of the shorter one is 3193 km and it goes through Kazan. The longer one is 3303 km and it goes through Nizhny Novgorod, Kirov, and Perm. Most Trans-Siberian trains follow the second route.

Depending on the season and the day of the week, there are 3 to 6 trains operating between Moscow and Novosibirsk daily. Most trains continue on to Siberia and Russia's Far East. The trip takes about 2 days. The same trains run on the Novosibirsk to Moscow route.

3193-3303 km

Up to 6 trains
per day

22-39 stops
on the way

Fastest train
2 days

Slowest train
2 days 7 hours

Price from
72 USD


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