Easy way to purchase train tickets

Easy way to purchase train tickets from St Petersburg to Tallin. It was convenient to use their website, especially as train tickets in Russia are sold quite close to trip date. It’s convenient to buy it thru this service co and then they send you the tickets by email upon availability. We needed to be ensured of our train seats as we had a visa to process, and this was a document we needed, and we were very happy to find that with 6 people buying tickets in the same day, but not thru one transaction, Russian rail was able to put us into 3 adjacent compartments in the same coach. This made our travel even more fun and we felt safe being together.

Reliable and amazing

As always, ordered tickets to Russia and received them on time and as requested. Asked to change some details originally and they did it within a day.

Excellent Service, you can trust in the company!

I bought the tickets in Chile, preparing my trip to Russia. Everything worked perfect with the trains. They were punctual, comfortable, everything was fine. An advice, from St. Pertersburg to Tallinn, the Russian police checked me, asking if I had alcohol, cigarettes and medicines, I recommend not carry on any of that in order to avoid problems. the train service was excellent!

Awesome experience!

It was my first experience in a train and it was a better experience than I expected. It wasn't a 1st class train, maybe it looked old and all, but it was incredible.

A great experience

While the bureaucracy at the boarders was a little intimidating, this is obviously unavoidable. Other than this, we had a great trip from Riga to Saint Petersburg, then Saint Petersburg to Tallinn. The cabins were comfortable and clean, the toilets were fine, the samovar was useful and overall we had a lovely time. It would be handy if one could open one's own window as it took us until our second journey to realise we could just ask the attendant to open it.

Once you have your tickets, look forward to a wonderful, smooth
and enjoyable journey through the Russian countryside.

Buy your ticket safely and securely and then sit back
and enjoy the ride!

Culture for Kids

A portion of your order goes to helping underprivileged Russian children.

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