Easy to use

Tickets in Russian but it also comes with an English instruction. Had no problem boarding at all!

Huge thanks

Dear Nastya, I finally have the time to send you this message to thank you for everything. Everything has worked out well: getting the tickets in Moscow, the train, the trip ; and everything was exactly how you said it, especially regarding the two-berth cabins. The trip was great and memorable, crossing the borders was an interesting experience, and arriving in Beijing was overwhelming. Thank you for having answered all our questions very quickly, with enormous patience and precision. If anybody asks us about how to get tickets for the Transsiberian or any other train in Russia, I will give them your name.

Once you have your tickets, look forward to a wonderful, smooth
and enjoyable journey through the Russian countryside.

Buy your ticket safely and securely and then sit back
and enjoy the ride!

Culture for Kids

A portion of your order goes to helping underprivileged Russian children.

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