every day

Travel time
11h 10 m

793 km

Fastest train
on the route

The Premium Moscow to Kazan train #001/002 has been operating since 1993. 

The train has VIP 1st, Regular 1st and 2nd class cabins. VIP 1st class compartments are equipped with a private shower and toilet, TV, DVD, individual air-conditioning and 220V sockets. The lower berth is 110 cm wide and the upper berth is 70 cm wide. Only the entire compartment can be booked. Hygiene kits and meals are included in VIP 1st class and regular 1st class tickets.

The first class compartment has two lower berths. The cabin has individual air-conditioning and 220V sockets, and each berth has individual lightning. There are 2 WCs and one shower per carriage.  Second class compartments have two lower, two upper berths and a table. Luggage can be placed above the upper and below the lower berths.


Kazan Passazhirsky
11h 10m
Moscow Kazansky
Moscow Kazansky
11h 10m
Kazan Passazhirsky

Once you have your tickets, look forward to a wonderful, smooth
and enjoyable journey through the Russian countryside.

Buy your ticket safely and securely and then sit back
and enjoy the ride!

Culture for Kids

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