Warsaw to Moscow Train Route

Warsaw to Moscow trains travel through 3 countries - Poland, Belarus, and Russia as they make their way from the capital of Poland to the capital of Russia. They cover a distance of 1316 km in 15-18 hours. All the trains on this route cross Belarus and therefore, you will need a Belarus transit visa for the trip.

At the moment, there are 3 trains operating on the Warsaw to Moscow rail route. The Polonez train runs every day. There are also two faster trains originating from Berlin and Paris. They travel 1-2 times a week. The same trains run on the the Moscow to Warsaw route.

Warsaw to Moscow Trains

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Frequently Asked Questions From Our Travelers

How long does it take to travel from Warsaw to Moscow by train?

There are several trains running from Warsaw to Moscow. The travel time is between 17h 30m and 19h depending on the train.

Does the Warsaw to Moscow train run through Belarus?

Yes, the Warsaw to Moscow train runs through Belarus. Please note that you will need a Belarus transit visa for the trip.

Where does passport control take place when you travel from Poland to Russia by train?

Border crossing procedures are carried out on board, it takes 3-5 hours, the passengers are not allowed to leave their cabins during this period of time. Please make sure your Russian, Belarus and Schengen visas are issued for the correct dates.

Can I travel with my cat/dog from Warsaw to Moscow by train?

Yes, you can travel with your pet in a 2nd class cabin. You will need to provide all the necessary veterinary documents and book all 4 berths in the 2nd class cabin.


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