RZD has extended the period of the ticket sales up to 90 days

The  OJSC “RZD” has extended the period of the ticket sales up to 90 days. Back in 2016, the sales of the tickets were available only 45 days prior to the departure. This was stated in the “Rules of passengers’, luggage, and cargo transportation on railways”, which was approved by the decree of the Ministry of Transportation of Russian Federation from 19.12.2013, № 473.
The new rules for the tickets' sales are applicable for all long-distance trains and attachable carriages that operate within the territory of Russian Federation, with exception of trains operated by JSC "PKS", LLC  "Tverskoi Express", OJSC TK "Grand Service Express", OJSC "Kuzbass Prigorod". With the new changes, passengers will be able to buy train tickets for 13th of March 2018 on 14th of December 2017. 
The extension of the ticket sales was stimulated by the requests from the general public. New solution should make transportation more accessible and improve the customer service. OJSC “RZD” continue to plan further prolongation of the sales period. Tickets are able for purchase as online, so at the tickets' booths.

Once you have your tickets, look forward to a wonderful, smooth
and enjoyable journey through the Russian countryside.

Buy your ticket safely and securely and then sit back
and enjoy the ride!

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