Ulaanbaatar to Moscow Trains
Ulaanbaatar to Moscow Train Route
The Ulaanbaatar (Ulan Bator) to Moscow train makes 39 stops on its way from the capital of Mongolia to Russia's capital. The train covers 6266 km in 4 days.
There is only one train running on the Ulaanbaatar to Moscow route, which operates every day. The same train runs on the Moscow to Ulaanbaatar route.
Frequently Asked Questions From Our Travelers
Yes, there are 3 trains running from Mongolia to Russia: Trains #305/306 Ulan Bator - Irkutsk, #003/004 Beijing - Ulan Bator - Moscow and #005/006 Ulan Bator - Moscow.
RUB are used when you are in Russia, MNT are used when the train is in Mongolia.
In most cases, credit cards will not be accepted, so it is better to have cash with you.
No, there's no WiFi on this route.
There is a restaurant car where you can by meals at an affordable price from $5-$20. Also, you may bring your own food and drinks with you on board. The trains have no showers in the passenger carriages but for a small fee you may ask a conductor to use one in the staff car.
Great service
I really enjoyed my trip from Ulaanbaatar to Moscow. The staff on board were so friendly and made delicious soup everyday. The 2nd class carriage was comfortable and I was very happy and relaxed.
Best priced Transsib tickets
The best and most simple online ticket service for transsibirian railway tickets. I always tried to book trough this company because they have the best prices. It's necessary to mention, that you can buy tickets only 3 days before the train's departure but if you know your schedule they have the best website and best prices. Their whole website is also in English!
Easy to use
Tickets in Russian but it also comes with an English instruction. Had no problem boarding at all!
Huge thanks
Dear Nastya, I finally have the time to send you this message to thank you for everything. Everything has worked out well: getting the tickets in Moscow, the train, the trip ; and everything was exactly how you said it, especially regarding the two-berth cabins. The trip was great and memorable, crossing the borders was an interesting experience, and arriving in Beijing was overwhelming. Thank you for having answered all our questions very quickly, with enormous patience and precision. If anybody asks us about how to get tickets for the Transsiberian or any other train in Russia, I will give them your name.
Once you have your tickets, look forward to a wonderful, smooth
and enjoyable journey through the Russian countryside.
Buy your ticket safely and securely and then sit back
and enjoy the ride!
Recommended by
Our travel group under the names Express to Russia, Russian Rail and Trans-Europe Express has been recommended and/or accredited by:
A portion of your order goes to helping underprivileged Russian children.