All travel documents with departure in August and later will have travel time indicated according to the local time zone

Starting from the 1st of August, the RZD Holding will change the time properties indicated on the tickets. The departure and arrival time starting from this date would be indicated according to the local time, including the additional information regarding the time difference with Moscow.

At the moment, on the travel documents, the arrival and departure times are indicated as Moscow time, with additional information on the local time. In order to increase the quality of the service, the RZD Holding has changed the rules of time indication. Starting from August all travel documents will indicate the time in accordance with the time zone of the area of departure.

The travel documents with the new time indication have been released for sale on 4th of May, 90 days prior to the departure. The information regarding the local departure and arrival time will be displayed on the information panels on the trains, on the platform signs and the railway stations' clocks.

Please be informed that on the tickets with departure in June and July, the departure times are still indicated as Moscow time. Moreover, all schedules displayed on the websites still have the indication by Moscow time.

Once you have your tickets, look forward to a wonderful, smooth
and enjoyable journey through the Russian countryside.

Buy your ticket safely and securely and then sit back
and enjoy the ride!

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