Moscow - Paris Train Changes Schedule

The schedule of Moscow - Berlin - Paris train has become more convenient for passengers.

On 18 June 2015, international train #23/24 Moscow - Paris started running on the new schedule: now it has more comfortable arrival and departure times.

The train now departs from Moscow at 16:30 (it used to depart at 06:44) and arrives in Paris at 9:16 (instead of 19:23). Time of departure from Paris is now 20:05 (instead of 8:28), and time of arrival in Moscow is 12:33 (instead of 23:04).

Please note that the train will now stop in Warsaw and Berlin in more convenient morning and evening times.

In addition, the route on German territory was partially changed: the train will make stops at in Frankfurt-on-Oder, Berlin Lichtenberg, Berlin Main Station, Erfurt Main Station, Frankfurt and Karlsruhe.

The train #23/24 Moscow - Paris started operating on December 12, 2011. 
This is one of the longest trans-European routes (3217 km), which runs through the territory of Russia, Belarus, Poland, Germany and France.

From January to May 2015 Moscow – Paris train carried over ten thousand passengers. The train load in April and May reached 98%, average train load in January – May was 70%.

For more details, please see the train page:

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